Monday, October 24, 2011

Life's Got a Way...

...of surprising you
...of throwing you off track
...of getting in the way of living
...of moving too fast
...of ending too quickly
...of never seeming to truly begin
...of teaching you
...of showing you
...of breaking you
...of saving you
...of picking you up
...of amazing you
...of bringing vitality
...of filling you with wonderment
...of coming full circle

Life's certainly got a way with us. It goes along day to day for each of us, pretending to be controllable, while not under our control at all. They say that life is the most precious gift that can be given; that we all have been given. A gift. Given for free, wanting nothing in return. And even though life asks for nothing in return, we all search for it's "meaning" and for our meaning within it. Life must be "worth" something we think. It must be "worth living" and if it's not, then what are we doing?

What makes our life meaningful, what makes it "worth living"? I've spent the last year here in new york pondering this question. I came here to start a new chapter of my life, one that was lived on my terms, for me, and for what i find to be "worth it". I've made mistakes. I've been broken, I've been surprised, I've been amazing, I've been taught. I've felt like life is flying by...and I've felt like it's moving too slow. I've been thrown off track...but I found my way again. I've been filled with wonder, vitality, excitement, love, LIFE.

I've learned that life can hand you a lot of things and do a lot of things. I've also learned that life has a way of showing you what you need, when you least expect it.

Over the past 6 months, I've followed my heart and head - for the first time in my life they are in step, on in the same, the force so strong it's hard to ignore. Everything in me points me towards a new goal and a yet another new chapter - the pursuit of a life lived behind the camera. The pursuit of capturing the life stories of others. The pursuit of a life that is well lived, because I am following something I love to do, something that I loved when I was a child, something that I find peace in. A silent peace that, at the same time, surrounds you with loud, exciting, vibrant LIFE.

I've been busy (busy not writing on this blog!) as I have traveled West to cultivate this passion and to learn this art. I've been busy every weekend, working for a professional wedding photographer. A fluke meeting and I've become happier than I have in a very long time. A partnership that fills me with confidence, laughter and hard work. Hard work I hope will pay off. He feels like a long lost friend that I've always known and he sees something in me that might just be enough to do what he does one day.

In the spirit of throwing life out there...I've put some recent photos from my time in CO here...enjoy, critique, laugh, cry...I did!


  1. Love, love, and love. Beautiful photos, words to live by!!

  2. You write like I wish I could! The photos are beautiful.
    So happy your journey has taken you to a good place in your head and your heart.

  3. Fabulous pictures, mar! I'm so proud of you!

  4. Way to put it all out's to living life the way it should be!
